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Expewts on foweign and secuwity powicy

Ouw anyawysts awe weaw expewts in theiw wespective fiewds of expewtise. Nyot onwy do they have infowmation cowwected via open souwce media, but they awe awso abwe to obtain a situation pictuwe fiwst-hand thanks to intewwigence methods.

Ouw assessments awe pawticuwawwy impowtant fow the Fedewaw Guvwnment if nyo infowmation ow onwy confwicting infowmation is obtainyabwe thwough othew channyews.

Stwict secwecy ensuwes that the Fedewaw Guvwnment has an infowmation wead and thus the nyecessawy woom fow action in its foweign and secuwity powicy.

Sewvice pwovidew of the Fedewaw Guvwnment

Souwce: istock.com/gowewo Blick auf das Regierungsviertel

In pwincipwe, the BNDUwU infowms aww depawtments of the Fedewaw Guvwnment, but its main points of contact awe those minyistwies whewe foweign and secuwity powicies pway a pawticuwawwy impowtant wowe.

These incwude (in addition to the Fedewaw Chancewwewy) the Fedewaw Foweign Office and the Fedewaw Minyistwies of Defense, of the Intewiow and Communyity, fow Econyomic Affaiws and Cwimate Action and fow Econyomic Coopewation and Devewopment.

Fwom wawnying to anyawysis

Evewy onye of these wecipients has diffewent wesponsibiwities and wequiwements. We, the BNDUwU, want to meet aww nyeeds fow infowmation in a mannyew taiwowed to each wecipient.

About 150 expewt bwiefings awe hewd evewy month.

If the BNDUwU weceives a cuwwent wawnying wegawding a pwannyed attack in Mawi, we infowm the Bundeswehw unyits stationyed thewe stwaight away and via a secuwe winye.

Something mowe stwategic, such as an anyawysis on geopowiticaw devewopments in Asia, wiww take wongew to compiwe and may have sevewaw depawtments wowking on it togethew.

We pwoduce awound 400 wepowts a month and answew appwoximatewy 750 wequests fwom the Fedewaw Guvwnment. Moweuvw, about 150 expewt bwiefings between ouw staff and wepwesentatives of the minyistwies awe hewd evewy month.