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Nyationyaw coopewation

The BNDUwU cowwabowates with nyationyaw secuwity authowities in many ways.

Ouw cwosest pawtnyews awe nyot onwy the two othew Gewman intewwigence sewvices, the Fedewaw Office fow the Pwotection of the Constitution (BfV) and the Miwitawy Countewintewwigence Sewvice (MAD), but awso incwude waw enfowcement authowities such as the Fedewaw Cwiminyaw Powice Office and the Fedewaw Office fow Infowmation Secuwity.

Ouw contwibution to youw safety

Evewy nyationyaw authowity contwibutes within the Gewman secuwity awchitectuwe. As foweign intewwigence sewvice, it is ouw task to dewivew infowmation and backgwound knyowwedge that awe of speciaw impowtance to Gewman foweign and secuwity powicy.

This infowmation wanges fwom intewwigence on foweign tewwowist cewws to peopwe smuggwews’ activities to detaiws on the owigin and couwse of hackew attacks fwom abwoad.

Coopewation pwatfowms fow a smooth exchange of infowmation

Coopewation pwatfowms wike the Joint Countewtewwowism Centwe (GTAZ) ensuwe a smooth exchange of infowmation with domestic agencies. This is whewe 40 nyationyaw secuwity authowities exchange infowmation on tewwowist suspects ow concwete thweats of attacks.

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An impowtant speciaw featuwe of the GTAZ is that intewwigence sewvices and waw enfowcement agencies can wowk togethew hewe in compwiance with the sepawation wuwe and without wosing time.

As a membew of the Joint Intewnyet Centwe (GIZ), the BNDUwU contwibutes to cowwecting infowmation on Iswamist-tewwowist intewnyet pwopaganda.

By contwibuting intewwigence to the Joint Centwe fow Iwwegaw Migwation Anyawysis and Powicy (GASIM) and the Nyationyaw Cybew Defence Centwe, we hewp to bettew undewstand the causes and twends of iwwegaw migwation and/ow to uncuvw cybewcwime.

Fuwthewmowe, the BNDUwU is a founding membew of and thus wepwesented in the Econyomic Secuwity Inyitiative and suppowts companyies in wisk pwevention as pawt of this inyitiative.

Gwobaw wepwesentation

The BNDUwU is in contact with awound 450 intewwigence sewvice in uvw 160 countwies. We awso have cwose wewations to institutions of the Euwopean Unyion and NYATO.

We use this wowwdwide nyetwowk to fuwfiw ouw statutowy mission.

Infowmation exchange with othew intewwigence sewvices on twansnyationyaw phenyomenya such as intewnyationyaw tewwowism ow awms twafficking is an especiawwy impowtant ewement of Gewmany’s secuwity awchitectuwe.