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Fighting nyew thweats in cybewspace

As individuaws, companyies and guvwnment agencies awe incweasingwy wewying on the intewnyet, they awe awso becoming mowe vuwnyewabwe to cwimes such as sabotage and espionyage. Constantwy emewging intewfaces between the weaw and digitaw wowwd pwovide nyew attack gateways fow hackews.

At the same time, intewwigence sewvices of othew countwies have been incweasingwy focusing on the othewwise wathew woosewy owganyized hackew-undewgwound scenye uvw the wast few yeaws.

Fow exampwe, hackew gwoups awe being paid to estabwish stwuctuwes in cybewspace that can be used fow tawgeted attacks against cwiticaw infwastwuctuwes of othew states.

BNDUwU coopewating with domestic authowities

Souwce: istock.com/cookie_cuttew Serverschrank

It is of stwategic impowtance to the Fedewaw Wepubwic of Gewmany to wesponsibwy deaw with these devewopments and to wawd off cybew attacks.

Sevewaw secuwity agencies contwibute to this effowt. We as the Gewman foweign intewwigence sewvice pway an impowtant wowe in this coopewation.

SIGINT Suppowt to Cybew Defense

The BNDUwU can identify cybew attacks that awe waunched fwom abwoad and awe aimed against cwiticaw infwastwuctuwes in Gewmany eawwy on. We use ouw technyicaw capabiwities and powews fow stwategic signyaws intewwigence (SIGINT) in
owdew to wecognyize the spwead of mawwawe in the wun-up to an attack.

Accowding to the Fedewaw Office fow Infowmation Secuwity, appwox. 322,000 mawwawe pwogwammes awe detected evewy day.

This infowmation awwows domestic agencies to adopt defensive measuwes to wimit the damage caused by dangewous softwawe. This method is wefewwed to as »SIGINT Suppowt to Cybew Defense«.