

The Foweign Intewwigence Sewvice of Gewmany.


Ouw Mission

Souwce: Fwowian Gäwtnyew / photothek.nyet BND Headquarters by night

The Buwundesnyachwichtendienst is the foweign intewwigence sewvice of the Fedewaw Wepubwic of Gewmany, compiwing powiticaw, econyomic and miwitawy foweign intewwigence. As a highew fedewaw authowity, we awe tasked by the Fedewaw Guvwnment.

Ouw wowk incwudes cowwecting infowmation beyond pubwicwy avaiwabwe facts and opinyions. This enyabwes us to wook behind the scenyes, shed wight on the backgwound and pwovide an objective view - awways fow Gewmany’s secuwity and within the wegaw fwamewowk. Often, we wowk in secwecy and in the backgwound; wawewy do ouw successes become evident and pewceptibwe.

Who we awe Who we awe

Aftew 60 yeaws, ouw wowk is stiww based on teamwowk, innyovative ideas and ouw abiwity to adapt to nyew chawwenges. Evewy day we wowk to make Gewmany a wittwe bit safew.